Was gibt’s Neues 2001


REDS – Die Roten


What’s New?


31 December 2001

Added to the Israel/Palestine Archive: Chapter 10 of Ralph Schoenman: The Hidden History of Zionism (1988).

21 December 2001

Added new Russia Today archive with 5 new texts: Rob Ferguson: Chechnya – Russia does it Nato style (Jan. 2000), Rob Ferguson: Chechnya – Russian roulette in a high risk war (Feb. 2000), Rob Ferguson: Chechnya – Russia’s return to the Great Game (Dec. 1999), Rob Ferguson: Russia – Business means business for the west’s favourite warmonger (Apr. 2000) and Boris Kagarlitsky: The Russian Left Today (2001).

21 December 2001

Added 3 new archives: Anti-Capitalist Movement, The Balkans and Southern Asia
Added to the Middle East Archive: Jonathan Neale: Die Afghanische Tragödie (1982).
Added to the Religion Archive: Chapter 8 of Paul N. Siegel: Die Demütigen und die Militanten (1986) on Hinduism and Buddhism and Hazel Croft: Religion, rebellion and reaction (2001).

9 October 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Jonathan Neale: The Afghan Tragedy (1981).

5 October 2001

Added to the Religion Archive: Chapter 9 of Paul N. Siegel: Die Demütigen und die Militanten (1986) on Islam.

26 September 2001

Added to the World Trade Center collection: Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair: Was It Really Worth It, Mrs. Albright? – The Price and Lutte Ouvrière: Western gun ships and missiles can only feed terrorism.
Added to the Israel/Palestine (Current Affairs) Archive: Matt Taibbi: Far Gone in 30 Seconds – CNN Sentences Palestine To Death (2001).
Added to the Gender Politics Archive: Sheila McGregor: Rape, pornography and capitalism (1989).

23 September 2001

Added to the Israel/Palestine (Current Affairs) Archive: Yossi Schwartz: The Marxist Position on the Durban Conference (2001).

18 September 2001

Added to the World Trade Center collection: Alexander Cockburn: The Next Casualty – Bill of Rights?, Robert Fisk: Terror in America, Linkswende: Krieg ist keine Lösung, Steve Niva: Sources of ME Violence Against the US, Radio B92 (Belgrade): Interviewing Chomsky, Edward Said: Islam and the West are inadequate banners, Socialist Worker (Can.): Special Supplement, Studs Terkel: Have we learnt our lesson? and Howard Zinn: Retaliation.

17 September 2001

Added to the World Trade Center collection: Tariq Ali: Will Pakistan Jump to US Demands?, Uri Avnery: Twin Towers, International Socialist Group (GB): The terror attacks in the US and the consequences, Naomi Klein: Game Over, Linksruck: Kein Gegenschlag – Aufstehen gegen einen Krieg, Michael Moore: Death, Downtown, John Pilger: Inevitable ring to the unimaginable, Solidarity (US): Social Justice Against Terrorism and Immanuel Wallerstein: September 11, 2001 – Why?.

13 September 2001

Added: New collection of statements on the attack on the World Trade Center: Socialist Worker (GB): Devastation in the US – Marxism and terrorism, Socialist Worker (GB): Horror in the United States – Bitter fruit of US policy, Socialist Workers League (Palestine): Criminal Act of Terror, Socialist Worker (US): Special Supplement on WTC Attack, Socialist Worker: Horror in den Vereinigten Staaten – Die bitteren Früchte der US-Politik and Socialist Worker: Zerstörung in den USA – Marxismus und Terrorismus.

23 August 2001

Added to the Israel/Palestine (Press) Archive: Meron Benvinisti: Unilateral separation leads inexorably to apartheid (2001).

21 August 2001

Added to the Germany Archive: Volkhard Mosler: Von der SPD zu Dutschkes SDS (1996).
Added to the Imperialism Today Archive: Andreas Berlin: Globalisierung und nationale Wirtschaftspolitik (1996).
Added to the Culture Archive: Florian Kirner: Die Lyrik, der Rassismus, das Kokain (1996).
Added to the Israel/Palestine Archive: Revolutionary Communist League of Palestine: Against Partition! (1947).

20 August 2001

Added to the Imperialism Today Archive: Jürgen Ehlers: Regierungen und Gewerkschaften nur noch Kellner des Kapitals? (1996).
Added to the Israel/Palestine Archive: Andreas Berlin: Ursprünge des Antisemitismus (1996), to the Israel/Palestine (Current) Archive: Socialist Workers League: Down With the Government of War Against the Palestinians and the Workers! (2001) and to the Israel/Palestine (Press) Archive: Gideon Levy: A slice of roadblock reality (2001).

17 August 2001

Added to the Germany Archive: Volkhard Mosler: „Die Unternehmer im allgemeinen sind tariffeindlich ...“ (1996).
Added to the Workers’ Movement Archive: Eberhard Becker: Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels über Gewerkschaften und ökonomischen Kampf (1969).

16 August 2001

Added Science/Technology Archive with text: Mike Simons: Darwin’s new dawn (1988).
Added to the Irland Archive: Eamonn McCann: The roots of revolt (1988).

13 August 2001

Added to the Culture Archive: the final chapters of Paul O’Flinn: Them and Us in Literature (1975).

12 August 2001

Added to the Culture Archive: Chapters 8-10 of Paul O’Flinn: Them and Us in Literature (1975).

8 August 2001

Added to the Culture Archive: John Molyneux: Die Kontroverse über „politische Korrektheit“ (1993).

6 August 2001

Added to the Theory Archive: John Molyneux: Ist der Marxismus deterministisch? (1995).
Added to International Communist Movement Archive the remaining chapters of Ian Birchall: Arbeiterbewegung und Parteiherrschaft (1974).

5 August 2001

Added to the Russian Revolution Archive: Peter Sedgwick: The Crucial Year – Victor Serge on Class and Party (1972).
Added to the Environment Archive: Jürgen Ehlers: Energieversorgung – Monopole contra Umweltschutz (1996) and Jürgen Ehlers: Mit der Ökosteuer gegen Umweltzerstörung und Massenarbeitslosigkeit? (1996).
Added to the Germany Archive: Andreas Berlin: Sozialstaat und Klassenkampf (1996) and Stefanie Haenisch: Nur wer zahlen kann, darf studieren (1996).

4 August 2001

Added to Militarism/War Archive: Duncan Blackie et al.: Der Zerfall Jugoslawiens und der Krieg auf dem Balkan (1991/92).
Due to the large number of articles on Israel/Palestine we have re-organised the Middle East Archive. In addition to the main index we now have an Israel/Palestine directory with subdirectories for Current Events and Press.

3 August 2001

Added International Communist Movement Archive with chapters 1-10 of Ian Birchall: Arbeiterbewegung und Parteiherrschaft (1974).

30 July 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Gideon Levy: Leaving humanity behind (2001) and Socialist Workers League: All Power to the Popular Committees! (2001).
Added to the Theory Archive: Chris Harman: Basis und Überbau (1986).

28 July 2001

Added to the Culture Archive: Chapters 5, 6 & 7 of Paul O’Flinn: Them and Us in Literature (1975).
Added Environment Archive with text: Werner Halbauer: Greenpeace – Hoffnung für die Umwelt? (1996).
Added Science/Technology Archive with text: Andreas Berlin: Wie wir Menschen wurden (1996).

27 July 2001

Added to the Culture Archive: Florian Kirner: Eine Welle der Kulturreaktion (1996).
Added to the Germany Archive: Volkhard Mosler: Gibt es eine sozialdemokratische Wirtschaftspolitik? (1996)
Added to Militarism/War Archive: Stefanie Haenisch: Bosnien-Abkommen – Eine Chance für den Frieden? (1996).
Added to the China Archive: Sheng-wu-lien: Whither China? (1968).

26 July 2001

Added to the China Archive: Chapters 7-10 of Nigel Harris: Mandate of Heaven (1978).
Added to the Middle East Archive: Christopher Hitchens: Israel Shahak, 1933-2001 (2001).
Added to the Culture Archive: Four texts by David Widgery: Billie and Bessie (1984), The Kerouac Connection (1969), Lennonism (1985) and Too Much Monkey Business (1984).

25 July 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Amira Hass: Protected by the “system” (2001).
Added to the Racism/Fascism Archive: Mike Haynes: The outcasts of Europe (2000).
Added to the Theory Archive: Andreas Berlin: Was ist Sozialismus von unten? (1995) and Chris Harman: Movie with an open ending (2000).
Added to the Workers’ Movement Archive: Jürgen Ehlers: Wie stark ist die Arbeiterbewegung heute? (1995) and Volkhard Mosler: Die Arbeiterklasse – Ende oder Wandel? (1995).

24 July 2001

Added Militarism/War Archive with texts: Stefanie Haenisch: Der Zweite Weltkrieg – ein imperialistischer Krieg (1995) and Christian Schröppel: Deutsche Truppen auf dem Balkan – Friedensdienst oder Militarismus? (1995).

23 July 2001

Added to the Culture Archive: Jürgen Ehlers: Medienzare auf dem Weg zur Macht? (1994).
Added to the Germany Archive: Christian Schröppel: Die Militarisierung der deutschen Außenpolitik (1994).
Added to the Middle East Archive: Gideon Levy: The price of restraint (2001).

22 July 2001

Added to the Anti-Nuclear Archive: Christoph Sternal: Hiroshima – Warum wurde die Bombe geworfen? (1995).

21 July 2001

Added Germany Archive with texts: Andreas Berlin: Wie Willy Brandt Bundeskanzler wurde (1994), Stefanie Haenisch: Ausbildung statt Ausbeutung! (1995) and Volkhard Mosler: Zurück zu Weimar in Zeitlupe? (1994).

20 July 2001

Added to the Workers’ Movement Archive: Jürgen Ehlers: Engels’ Einfluß auf die deutsche Sozialdemokratie (1995).
Added to the Theory Archive: Andreas Berlin: Karl Marx’ Kritik des Staatssozialismus (1994)and Volkhard Mosler: Wo kommen die Ideen her? (1995).
Added to the Former Eastern Bloc Archive: Stefanie Haenisch: Die Bürokratie bringt ihre Mitgift ein (1994) and Volkhard Mosler: Klassenkämpfe in der Revolution 1989 (1994).

19 July 2001

Added to the Theory Archive: Tony Cliff: Marxism and the collectivisation of agriculture (1964-65).

18 July 2001

Added to the Former Eastern Bloc Archive: Balász Nagy: Budapest 1956 – The Central Workers’ Council (1961).
Added to the Middle East Archive: The final chapters of Lenni Brenner: The Iron Wall (1984) + Appendix 3 Drew Middleton: South Africa Needs More Arms, Israeli Says (1981).

17 July 2001

Added to the Ireland Archive: Kieran Allen: Is southern Ireland a neo-colony? (1990).
Added to the Middle East Archive: Chapters 12-14 of Lenni Brenner: The Iron Wall (1984).

15 July 2001

Added Racism/Fascism Archive.
Added Anti-Nuclear Archive with texts: Joshcka Fischer: Vorwort zu Der Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie ist machbar (1986) and Otto Schily: Einführung zu Reiner Geulen: Rechtliche Konsequenzen des Tschernobyl-Unfalls für den Betrieb atomarer Anlagen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1986).
Added to the Far East: V. Karalasingham: The War in Korea (1950).
Added Ireland Archive with texts: Shaun Doherty: Will the real James Connolly please stand up? (1998), Eamonn McCann: Bloody Sunday inquiry (2001) and Socialist Worker: The barricades must stay (21 August 1969).

14 July 2001

Added to the Culture Archive: Chapters 1, 3 & 4 of Paul O’Flinn: Them and Us in Literature (1975).
Added to the Theory Archive: Tony Cliff: Perspektiven für die permanente Kriegswirtschaft (1957) and Tony Cliff: Die wirtschaftlichen Wurzeln des Reformismus (1957).

Added to the Religion Archive: Phil Marshall: Islamischer Fundamentalismus – Unterdrückung und Revolution (1988).

12 July 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Gideon Levy: Twilight Zone – No water in the pipes (2001).
Added to the Workers’ Movement Archive: Kevin Corr & Andy Brown: Die Arbeiteraristokratie und die Wurzeln des Reformismus (1993).

11 July 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Chapters 9-11 of Lenni Brenner: The Iron Wall (1984).

10 July 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Tom Segev: Contradictions and lies (2001) and Joseph Algazy: Children of the battlefield (2001).

9 July 2001

Added to the China Archive: Chapters 3-6 of Nigel Harris: Mandate of Heaven (1978).

8 July 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Gideon Levy: On the way down the slippery slope (2001).
Added to the Workers’ Movement Archive: Tony Cliff & Colin Barker: Revolte der Arbeiter – Einkommenspolitik, Gesetzgebung, Shop Stewards (1966).

3 July 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Adam Keller & Beate Zilversmidt: Al-Khader today – the true face of the occupation in a nutshell (2001).

29 June 2001

Added to the Theory Archive: Ahmed Shawki: Between Things Ended and Things Begun (2001).

25 June 2001

Added to the Religion Archive: Hal Draper: Marx and the Economic-Jew Stereotype (1977).

24 June 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Chapters 5-8 of Lenni Brenner: The Iron Wall (1984) + Aryeh Dayan: You can’t show medical papers to concrete blocks and deep trenches (2001) and Gideon Levy: The long, dry summer (2001).

23 June 2001

Added to the Organisation Archive: The last five chapters of Tony Cliff: Lenin 1 – Aufbau der Partei (1975).

22 June 2001

Added: Appeal: Defend free speech in Turkey! Defend Türkan Uzun! (2001).

20 June 2001

Added to the Organisation Archive: Chapters 11-15 of Tony Cliff: Lenin 1 – Aufbau der Partei (1975).

18 June 2001

Added to the Organisation Archive: Chapters 6-10 of Tony Cliff: Lenin 1 – Aufbau der Partei (1975).

17 June 2001

Added to the Organisation Archive: The first five chapters of Tony Cliff: Lenin 1 – Aufbau der Partei (1975).

14 June 2001

Added to the Religion Archive: Four more chapters of Paul N. Siegel: Die Demütigen und die Militanten (1986).

11 June 2001

Added link pages in English and German: Added links to the International Socialist Tendency in English and German.

10 June 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Gideon Levy: Under the volcano (2001).

5 June 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: Militants for the Fourth International: May Day 2001: Victory to the Intifada! Down With the Government of War Criminals! (2001) and May 15 – Nakbah Day: Let Us Turn the Memorial Day into a Day of Victory! (2001), Chanie Rosenberg: Palestine Solidarity in Israel (2001) and Socialist Workers League: For a Common Struggle to Bring Down the Government of War Criminals (2001).

27 May 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: added to Lenni Brenner: The Iron Wall the appendix: Stern Gang: Vorschlag der Irgun Zewai Leumi betreffend der Lösung der jüdischen Frage Europas und der aktiven Teilnahme der N.M.O. am Kriege an der Seite Deutschlands (1941).

8 May 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive: The first four chapters of Lenni Brenner: The Iron Wall (1984).
With appendix: Vladimir Jabotinsky: The Iron Wall (1924)

30 April 2001

Added to the International Socialist Tendency Archive: Alex Callinicos: Die antikapitalistische Bewegung und die revolutionäre Linke (2001)

28 April 2001

Added to the Middle East Archive : added to Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators as an appendix: Stern Gang: Proposal of Irgun Zvai Leumi Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question and Participation in the War on the Side of Germany (1941).

19 April 2001

Added to the Gender Politics Archive: Chapter 15 of Tony Cliff: Class Struggle & Women’s Liberation.
Added Culture Archive with texts: Anna Chen: George Orwell – a literary Trotskyist? (1999) and Paul O’Flinn: Them and Us in Literature, Chapter 2 on Orwell.

17 April 2001

Added to the Russian Revolution Archive: Megan Trudell: The Russian civil war – a Marxist analysis (2000).

15 April 2001

Added to the Russian Revolution Archive: Mike Haynes: Was there a parliamentary alternative in Russia in 1917? (1997).
Added to the Middle East Archive: Interview mit Noam Chomsky über Nahost (2001).

14 April 2001

What’s New? page opened.
Added: List of Texts and Inhaltsverzeichnis.


Last updated on 27.2.2003